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Meet Dr. Samantha Vu

Member of the American Association of Orthodontics and the American Dental Association

Dr. Samantha Vu has been practicing in Arizona since 2003. She received her Doctorate of Dental Medicine from Southern Illinois University and her orthodontic degree from Saint Louis University. Dr. Vu has always had a passion for learning and is truly a scientist at heart.

She continues to further her knowledge and keeps up with the latest research and development in all areas of healthcare. Her knowledge base, combined with her talents as an artist, bring a unique quality to the practice of orthodontics. Dr. Vu has conducted research on the effects of oral-facial-dental development through a lifetime, which has helped her specialize in the areas of childhood dentofacial development, adult treatment, and facial aesthetics. She pays particular attention to facial harmonies and sees every case as a work of art.

Dr. Vu is also the proud mother of Madelaine and Christian, and resides with her family in Gilbert.

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